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WP5 Accelerating innovation

The WP objective is to widen the project’s impact beyond scientific communities, by undertaking a wide range of innovation activities aimed at industrial and other types of stakeholders (i.e. government bodies, non-profit organisations, funders, policymakers). Moreover, SoBigData++ will leverage the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub engagement framework from the EOSC-hub project to allow public sector institutions to access technical services and research data (See The WP will provide several initiatives in order to transfer the project knowledge and tools toward the industrial world.


  • T5.1 Partnerships with industry and contributions to policymaking- Task leader: SSSA. Participants: ALL
  • T5.2 Challenge Us Programme – Task leader: UT. Participants: CNR, ETHZ, UNIPI, SNS, USFD, UNIROMA1, CSD
  • T5.3 Entrepreneurial skills for big data entrepreneurs –  Task leader: UNIPI. Participants: SSSA, STACC